9월 27일부터 12월초까지..
낮시간은 대략 20분에서 2시간까지 차량통제...
밤시간 (저녁 8시부터 아침 7시까지)는 도로 통행금지.
이외 연휴기간에는 개통시켜 준다고 하네요
Fall, Winter and Spring
There may be multi-day extended closures from September 27th to early December. Prepare to drive the detour and plan accordingly for additional travel time.
Daytime may see stoppages from 20 minutes to 2 hours.
There may be closures of up to nine hours overnight (8 pm to 7 am) which will require significant advance notice.
The highway will be kept open for Easter and Thanksgiving long weekends, and there will be two daily peak-hour windows to allow passage for school buses, commuters and other essential local traffic/trips.