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[구인] Ryuko / sushi cook line cook / 13200 Macleod Trail Calgary AB T2J 7E5
작성자 베스트    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 56055 작성일 2024-04-01 04:12 조회수 900

업종(혹은 상호) : Ryuko
업무(포지션) : sushi cook line cook
시급 혹은 월급 : 별도협의
업소위치 : 13200 Macleod Trail Calgary AB T2J 7E5
근무조건 : 풀타임
연락처 : -

Join Our Team!

Positions Available:

  1. Sushi Chef (Full-Time) Are you an experienced sushi chef with a passion for crafting delicious dishes with ryuko BOH team? We're looking for someone skilled in preparing whole fish to join our team. If you have a knack for creating authentic sushi flavors and are ready to showcase your talents, we want to hear from you!

  3. Sushi Cook (Full-Time) Do you excel at plating sashimi, nigiri, rolls, and other sushi delights? We're seeking a sushi cook who can bring creativity and precision to every dish. If you have a love for Japanese cuisine and are eager to work in a dynamic environment, apply today!

  5. Line Cook (Full-Time) Do you have experience working in a commercial kitchen and thrive in a fast-paced setting? We're hiring a line cook who can handle the heat and deliver top-notch dishes consistently. Join our team and be part of a culinary journey that values skill and dedication.



  • Competitive wages
  • Opportunities for growth and advancement
  • A supportive team environment
  • Employee staff meals
  • Vacation fees
  • Flexible hours

If you're passionate about food and ready to take your culinary career to the next level, apply now by sending your resume and cover letter to [jun@ryuko.ca].

Join us in creating memorable dining experiences for our customers!


Thank you so much.


Jun Young Park

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