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[구인] Astro Dental Art / 기공사 - Senior / SE
작성자 jyoo15    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 53561 작성일 2023-08-25 09:03 조회수 1061
업종(혹은 상호) : Astro Dental Art
업무(포지션) : 기공사 - Senior
시급 혹은 월급 : 별도협의
업소위치 : SE
근무조건 : 풀타임
연락처 : 4036182201

Dental Lab Technician


We are a full-service dental lab with extensively certified and experienced technicians. We are amongst one of the best dental labs in Canada. Since 2007, we have provided quality dental lab services and innovation in the United States and Canada for crowns and bridges, ceramics, orthodontics, implants, dentures, and combination cases possessing outstanding aesthetics as well as functionalities. We strive to become a leader in the industry and to assist doctors and patients for the best satisfaction. We are looking for determined, high-energy, well-organized managers/leaders to join our team in Alberta AB


Our Company has the following to offer:

• Excellent compensation plan with benefits including medical, dental, vacation and holidays

• Flexible working hours

• Career advancement opportunities

• Investments in the latest technology

• Exclusively focused on cosmetic, implant and digital design for fixed prosthodontics


Primary Responsibilities & Skills:

• Manage day-to-day operations in a fast-paced dental laboratory environment

• Ensure quality control standards are proficient and well-maintained

• Ensure individualized customer service, communication, and directly interact with customers in resolving issues as necessary including a system to monitor customer maintenance and plan for meeting industry standards for customer retention

• Measure and regularly communicate the operational performance (cost, quality, time, customer issues) through effective metrics and related capabilities (i.e., processes, systems, data)

• Train, engage, empower, develop, and mentor laboratory staff

• Develops, implements, and monitors employee evaluation system for performance, and goal setting, and provides regular feedback to the staff members

• Establish performance goals in collaboration with the executive team to manage budget/P&L

• Establish, deploy, and continuously improve a standard, consistent way of managing the laboratory to facilitate continued company growth

• Assist with sales and marketing strategy to attain budgeted sales revenue goals

• Collaborate and interact with other departments such as HR, Accounting, and IT to establish and refine efficient and effective processes while ensuring the company’s operational priorities are aligned with the company strategy

• Assist in the development of and ensure accountability for production department materials and labour budgets

• All other duties as assigned or as otherwise required



• 3+ years dental experience

• Leadership & Team Management Skills with ability to manage day-to-day production

• Knowledge and experience of all dental lab products, materials, terminology, and techniques

• Exceptional knowledge and proficiency in quality control and time management

• Strong communication skills

• Registered Dental Technician Certification preferred



Please email your resume to astrodentalart@gmail.com and you will be contacted for an interview



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