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[구인] Henry & Debbie's Coffee and Goodies / Barista / Customer Service Assistant / Calgary Farmer's Market SE (510 77 ave SE)
작성자 iliill    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 55160 작성일 2024-01-08 12:46 조회수 1056
업종(혹은 상호) : Henry & Debbies Coffee and Goodies
업무(포지션) : Barista / Customer Service Ass
시급 혹은 월급 : 18
업소위치 : Calgary Farmers Market SE 510 77 ave SE
근무조건 : 파트타임
연락처 : 403 889 5969

We are currently looking for an enthusiastic Barista / Customer Service Assistant to join us at our Calgary Farmers’ Market SOUTH location. If you are passionate about coffee and enjoy working with people in a fun environment, please text message to 403-889-5969.

Barista experience although desirable, not required.

At this time we are looking for baristas interested in working Saturdays and Sundays

Calgary Farmers' Market SOUTH @ 510 77 Ave SE.

Job Type: Part-time

Salary: From $18.00 per hour

Feel free to ask any questions!

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