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[구인] KOGAS Canada Energy Ltd. / Jr. Marketing Assistant / Downtown
작성자 KCEL    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 55285 작성일 2024-01-22 09:32 조회수 1238

업종(혹은 상호) : KOGAS Canada Energy Ltd.
업무(포지션) : Jr. Marketing Assistant
시급 혹은 월급 : 별도협의
업소위치 : Downtown
근무조건 : 풀타임
연락처 : hr@kogascanada.com

Company : KOGAS Canada Energy Ltd.

(Canadian Subsidiary of Korea Gas Corporation)

Industry : Natural Gas (Oil & Gas)

Position Jr. Marketing Assistant

Workdays : Monday to Friday/ 40hrs (Full time)

Location : 140 4 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3N3

Application Deadline February 1, 2024 (Thursday) at midnight

Apply to hr@kogascanada.com


Duty and Function :

 -Duties will include but not limited to:

- Initiate, renew, review, and perform contracts related to the purchase of feed gas, pipeline capacity, sales of LNG and Condensate, and shipping.

-Invoicing and payment processes associated with the purchase of feed gas, pipeline capacity, sales of LNG and Condensate, and Shipping.

-Attend, record, and report on meetings with Joint Venture Partners (JVPs) and LNGC, focusing on feed gas supply, pipeline operations, LNG and Condensate lifting, and commercial issues.

-Collaborate with the Upstream Marketer to enhance overall marketing efforts.

-Be on call for emergency situations, providing support as needed.

-Collect, review, analyze, and report information on the North American Gas Market.

-Perform other related duties as required to support the overall objectives.


Skills & Requirements :

-Minimum of Bachelor's degree of Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Legal, or related major.

- Bilingual in both Korean and English (Fluent)

- You MUST be legally permitted to work in Canada: For work permit holders, visa must be valid for at least 2 years


Document Requirement :

- Resume (Korean and English)

- Cover Letter (Korean and English)


*Please include a work perfomance plan in your cover letter

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다만, 배달의 민족. 이라던지 한국에서 Bus 나 train예매는 사용이 안되요. 본인 인증이 안되더라고요. 그래서 예매나 뭐 시켜 먹을땐 조금 불편하지만 ( 이문제는 스피드잡스 심카드랑 전혀 관계가 없어요)
전화랑 인터넷은 너무 잘되고 좋았습니다.
친절하신 사장님과 추후 카톡으로 연락을 할수 있게 도와주시더라고요. 잘쓰고 갑니다.
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