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[구인] Good Trade Coffee / Driver / Calgary
작성자 호롤롤로    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 55729 작성일 2024-03-04 16:28 조회수 1403
업종(혹은 상호) : Good Trade Coffee
업무(포지션) : Driver
시급 혹은 월급 : 17
업소위치 : Calgary
근무조건 : 파트타임
연락처 : hello@goodtrade.org

Delivery Driver

Part-Time (3-6 hours on Thursdays)

 Good Trade Co. is a social enterprise coffee company that works directly with farmers and their communities in rural Colombia. We’re looking for the world’s best people-person/coffee-addict to add to our team. As a Delivery Driver you will be the backbone of our team, bringing supplies and setting up our baristas and wholesale partners for success.

Job Type: Permanent Part-time (approximately 3-6 hours per week on Thursdays) Compensation: $17 per hour + $0.60 per kilometer

Working Conditions: You will be driving between multiple locations (our coffee shops, wholesale partners, and suppliers) in your own vehicle.

Successful Candidates look like this...

● You enjoy the pressure of being counted on and you are excited at the chance to over-deliver.

● You are able to lift as much as 50 pounds.

● You have an active class 5 driver's license and an insured vehicle.

● Your vehicle has ample cargo room to fit 8-10 crates of milk and 4-6 cardboard boxes of coffee.

Ideally, it is at least a midsize SUV or larger.

● You embody the intangible skills: work ethic, punctuality, energy, attitude, learning from

feedback, and going the extra mile

The Role and Responsibilities...

● Pick Up & Deliver Supplies

○ Our stocking list will guide you to pick up supplies like milk, vegetables, cups, and paper

supplies from multiple suppliers.

○ Reviewing packing slips to ensure accuracy.

● Wholesale Deliveries & Customer Interaction

○ Safely transport packages to designated locations within specified timeframes.

○ Load and unload packages with care, ensuring the integrity of the contents.

○ Interact professionally with customers during deliveries, addressing inquiries and


○ Obtain customer signatures as required and ensure a positive delivery experience.

● Route Optimization

○ Utilize GPS navigation systems to plan and optimize delivery routes.

○ Collaborate with our Lead Barista (who places the orders) to adjust routes for maximum


● Record Keeping

Maintain accurate records of deliveries, including dates, times, and customer signatures. Report any discrepancies or issues with deliveries to the Lead Barista.

What you bring...

● 1 year of driving experience.

● A class 5 license with a clean record.

● An insured and reliable vehicle with ample cargo space.

● Excellent computer skills (we heavily rely on the ‘cloud’ such as the Google Suite of software).

● Must be able to perform the physical aspects of the job such as lifting up to 50 pounds.

*** To apply, please send your resume to hello@goodtrade.org

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