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High quality single male student's rooms NW train
작성자 Calgaryrentt    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 58996 작성일 2023-12-16 10:21 조회수 571

High quality single male student’s rooms by NW train station 

- 2-5 minutes walking distance to NW train & bus stations

- Close to universities, amenities, etc. 6 malls in walking distance. 

- High quality new renovation, facilities, and furniture are all over average market level.

- High quality services and management: 24 hours quiet, clean, good study environment ! 

- Well-chosen good tenants based on the landlord lose money and keep the room empty to wait for a good tenant. This is a males only house to keep a quiet, clean, and safe study environment. 

- The rent is $900-1300/month including all above good benefits and utilities & internet. The rent  depends on the room size and rental time length.  The rent includes lots of over-valued benefits that far exceed average market level,but the price is still at average market level . So you save money to rent a good house and  get guaranteed quality, more benefits, maximum satisfaction, less costs and less troubles.

- Many other benefits and details.  please contact: 

Cell phone: 825-735-6627
Whatsapp: 18257356627
Wechat: beautifulsunshine100 
KakaoTalk: 18257356627
Email: ablife9988@gmail.com

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