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Near Marlborough mall 베이스먼트 룸렌트 구합니다!
작성자 Street    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 59416 작성일 2024-02-05 09:12 조회수 629

2 bedroom basement suite for rent. 

The Basement has separate entrance

2 bedrooms, living room, new kitchen, bathroom, storage room 

At the moment shared laundry room 

Includes; TV, sofa, 2 desks for studying, Netflix, Internet. 


Heating and Utilities included in price 

Room 1 has a window and is $650 per month.

Room 2 has no windows and costs $550 a month.


The owner's Japanese and Canadian couple. 

We both work from home and have 2 poodles 

We have a large back yard, summer time garden and barbecue 


House is SE Calgary, near Marlborough Mall 

Bus stop is 5 minutes walking from house 


We go to the local Marlborough Mall 2 or 3 times a week 

Walmart, McDonald's and T&T Asian Supermarket nearby.

We go downtown once a week 

We are happy to take you to the mall or when you go shopping.

가아036  |  2024-02-12 19:52    지역 Calgary     

어디로 연락하죠?
jmgry0@gmail.com 연락주세요. 방 계약하고 싶습니다

다음글 <캘거리 다운타운 벨트라인 2bed,2bath 테이크 오버 받으실 분 구합니다.>
이전글 캘거리 다운타운 렌트,룸렌트 구해요!
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