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메인 $2200 3bed 1.5 bath Walk out 베이스먼트 $1800 3 bed ********* 보나비스타 하우스 렌트
작성자 JD Lee 모기지    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 59583 작성일 2024-02-18 10:34 조회수 774



위에 페이스북 마켓플레이스 링크를 통해서 리스팅 사진을 보실 수 있습니다.

Main floor $2200 per month

Basement Suite $1800 per month


Entire house $3800 per month.


Avail from March 1st, 2024.


Bonavista Down - One of the quietest street and most desirable neighbourhood in Calgary.


Key Features


•           1190 SqFT

•           3 bedrooms up – 1.5 baths, full kitchen, washer and dryer.

•           3 bedrooms down – 1 bath, full kitchen, washer and dryer, Separate Entrance

•           Utility not included – 60% up and 40% down.

•           Unfurnished

•           Minutes from major highways

•           Quiet and Desirable Neighborhood.

•           Detached double garage can be rented to tenants for $300 per month.

•           Street parking, Driveaway.

•           No Pets

•           No Smoking

•           No Lake Access :(


Looking for respectful renters who will take good care of the property and be considerate of the neighbours. This home isn’t just a house but a space where memories can be made and cherished.




•           Intro about yourself

•           Job History

•           Equifax Credit Report – I will walk you through if you don’t know how.


I will rigorously interview potential tenants.


If you are interested, please send me an email with some information about yourself to jdstayconsulting@gmail.com

다음글 2베드룸 이상 타운하우스 또는 싱글하우스(메인플로어) 렌트 구해봅니다.
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