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SE Acadia 지역 Main floor 렌트하실 분 구합니다.
작성자 콩콩장수    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 59777 작성일 2024-03-07 22:13 조회수 773

SE 에 위치한 Acadia 지역 방갈로 하우스 Main floor 에 렌트 구합니다. 

월 2,350불, 가라지 추가시 월80불 추가됩니다. 

방 3개 화장실 2개 1,010 sqft 이며 세탁실은 지하에 위치해 쉐어하시면 됩니다. 

지하랑 완벽하게 분리되어있습니다. 

Full renovation 되 집으로 첫 테넌트라 모든 Appliance 다 새 것이며 주차는 집 앞 스트릿 파킹 가능합니다. 

아래는 Rentfaster 에 올린 글이며 참고 바랍니다 .

궁금하신 점은 acadia9815@gmail.com 로 연락주세요.




Fully renovated spacious 3-bed, 2-bath house in the desirable community of Acadia in SE quadrant of Calgary.



  • Fully Renovated
  • Gorgeous Luxury Vinyl plank floors throughout the main floor and tile in kitchen, bath
  • BRAND NEW appliances
  • Shared laundry room (located in basement)
  • Electric fireplace
  • Parking in front street
  • Detached double car garage for extra charge $80/months
  • NO smoking / Vaping
  • NO Subletting
  • Utilities NOT included (pay 65% of bill)



  • Easy access to Deerfoot / Blackfood / Macleod Trail
  • 4 minutes to Acadia Aquatic & Fitness Centre
  • Elementary, Junior High and High schools
  • Grocery stores & Shopping mall
  • Costco / IKEA / Walmart / T&T within 10 minutes



  • SingleKey Tenants application processing
  • Current + Previous landlord references
  • Income & Employment verification
  • 12 months post-dated cheques (For the first year)
  • Tenants Insurance required before possession date


For further information, pictures and viewing request, please emailing acadia9815@gmail.com with the following information.

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