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[렌트완료 BRENTWOOD ] Two Bed 렌트하실분 구합니다
작성자 Eos    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 60388 작성일 2024-05-16 19:18 조회수 1053

위치는 30 Brentwood Common NW 이고 Brentwood station 까지 도보 3분입니다. 

투베드 $1,930불입니다 6/1일이나 7/1일 입주 가능하십니다. 

아래 글은 Rent faster에서 가져온 내용입니다. 

Two-bed Condo with Best Park View at University City near Brentwood Station

A quiet and cozy home to rest, sleep and recharge is all modern urban people want.

No doubt, University City is at a good location, close to a plenty good schools from elementary to university, public transits, shopping centres, library, swimming pool, rink, hospitals etc. But is it too close to Crowchild Trail? This two bedrooms unit was carefully picked from hundreds of options right after the green building sales were open. The owner had the utmost important conditions in mind as if she would like to live in one day - quiet and having a wonderful view. The unit is with ceiling to floor windows in living room and one bedroom facing the beautiful park. Standing out on the balcony, tree branches are within your reach. Lying on your bed, all you see is the Blakiston park in close and Nose Hill afar. Crowchild trail does not pollute your eyes and ears. It is really a great unit to rest, sleep and recharge.

The condo unit features

  • Two good sized bed rooms
  • One bath room
  • Balcony
  • In suite washer and dryer
  • 5-appliance kitchen (fridge, oven, microwave, hood fan, dishwasher)
  • Air Conditioning
  • Secured underground parking (fees will apply)


Rent covers

  • Heat and water

One month deposit is needed. No pet, no smoking, no majiaoana, please.

다음글 6-8월사이입주 가능 마스터베드룸,베이스먼트 구합니다.
이전글 NW Sage Hill 2층 베드룸, 베이스먼트 룸렌트 구합니다.
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