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6/1, 8/1, 9/1, High quality single person's rooms NW train
작성자 Calgaryrentt    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 60394 작성일 2024-05-17 23:41 조회수 535


High quality single person's rooms by NW train station available 6/1, 8/1,9/1
- 2-5 minutes walking distance to NW train & bus stations
- Close to universities, amenities, etc. 6 malls in walking distance. 
- High quality new renovation, facilities, and furniture are all over average market level.
- High quality services and management: guaranteed 24 hours quiet, clean, good study environment ! 
- Well-chosen good tenants based on the landlord lose money and keep the room empty to wait for a good tenant. Females and males live separately  in different houses to keep a quiet, clean, and safe study environment. 
- The rent is $850-1300/month or $50-100/day including all above good benefits and utilities & internet. The rent  depends on the room size and rental time length.  The rent includes lots of over-valued benefits that far exceed average market level,but the price is still at average market level . So you save money to rent a good house and  get guaranteed quality, more benefits, maximum satisfaction, less costs and less troubles.
- ** Many other benefits and details.  please contact: 
Cell phone: 825-735-6627
Whatsapp: 18257356627
Wechat: beautifulsunshine100 
KakaoTalk: 18257356627

** The rent includes lots of over-valued benefits at high quality standards, so you get guaranteed quality, more benefits, maximum satisfaction, less costs and less troubles :

1. Good location. Convenient to bus/ train/ schools/ shopping center/ amenities, etc.

2. new renovation

3. new furniture

4. Installation of sound-insulation wall and sound-insulation door. And installation of thick insulation materials under thick floor. All of them keep the house sound-proofing, fire-proofing and keep the house warm in the winter.

5. Double heating to keep house warm in the winter. In addition to the heating coming out of the furnace for the whole house, we also provide extra heater for your room.

6. To keep high efficiency and to avoid house repairing to disturb tenants’ routine life, we have changed everything to new and best quality materials: new electrical wires, new electrical panel, new water pipes, new faucet/toilet/vanity/mirror/ bathtub/tiles, 2 big new hot water tanks, new furnace, more modems to keep high speed wifi accessible in every corner of the house, internet cable lines go into every bedroom to ensure best internet stability and high speed, etc

7. Special ordered beautiful flower pictures, mountain and river pictures, and other nice decorations make tenants feel relaxed and feel like living in the garden, in the mountains or by the river.

8.The rent includes:

1) water, electricity, heating, 
2)high speed internet 
3) cooking utensils

9. Good house rules to well-protect tenants and to keep a quiet, clean, polite and efficient high quality environment.

10. Immediate service to ensure high quality living conditions and maximum satisfaction of tenants.

11.We promise to accept only one qualified good single tenant for each room so that the house is always quiet, clean, safe with the best environment for university students and professional people to pursue better study, jobs, life and future. This is at landlord’s cost of keeping the room empty and losing the rent to wait for a good tenant to come and keep high quality living environment.

12.No pets/ smoking/heavy drinking/drugs/ parties

13. High quality living environment for students and professionals guaranteed by the landlord’s over 20 years‘ professional business management experience for many big international companies. The house is directly rent by the landlord, not the agent. So everything is under control with high quality and tenants’ maximum satisfaction. 

14. Many other benefits. Please contact the landlord for details.

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한국에 있을때부터 시엔드림 뒤져가면서 딜러님께 연락 드렸습니다. 카톡으로 계속 질문드려도 귀찮아 하지 않으시고 성심성의껏 답변해 주셨습니다. 자세한 설명이 필요한 일이면 캐나다시간 새벽에도 아랑곳하지 않으시고 제 시간에 맞춰서 연락 주셨습니다. 캘거리에 도착해서 바로 주문해 놓은 차량을 확인하고 검수할 수 있도록 준비해 놓으셔서 바로 보험들고 그 다음날 저녁에 차를 가져갈 수 있었습니다. 차량 준비를 위해 만반의 준비를 다 해 놓으셔서 너무너무 편하고 만족스럽게 차량구매 했네요. 지금은 아이 학교 때문에 돌아다니고 있는데 차가 있어서 덜고생하고 있습니다. 예의있고 고객에게 최선을 다 하시는 권상윤 딜러님께 감사드립니다.

형제부동산 분들이 캘거리에 계셔서 얼마나 다행인지 몰라요!

2016년 캐나다에 오면서 첫집을 장만하면서 원래 다들 이렇게 집을 사나 싶을 정도로..
제가 집을 알아보고.. 제가 찾아서.. 제가 보여달라고 부탁해서.. 그렇게 샀었어요..
그것도 감사하다고 제가 선물을 사서 편지까지 써서 드렸었어요..
살다보니 구석구석 문제가 보이고..집이 왜이러지..싶을때가 한두번이 아니었어요..
사람만한 개가 살고.. 고양이가 살았다고 옆집 통해서 들었어요..옆집....


키를 건네 받는 순간..진심에서 우러나오는 "고생 많으셨습니다. 감사합니다"가 절로 나와요..
그냥 믿고 맡기시면 선택하시는 순간부터 해피한 하루하루를 보내실거에요..
집을 산지 4개월이 지났는데도 집만 생각하면 여전히 감사하고 벅찬마음을 감출수가 없어요..


이분들.. 핸드폰 중독같아요..
연락드리면 진짜로 1분만에 답이와요..
너무 신기해요..


책임감이 지구를 반바퀴 돌아요..
2달정도 한국에 다녀왔는데..이미 키도 받고 다 끝났는데..
저희가 없는 동안에도 계속 도와주세요..아직까지도 도와주시고 계세요..


구글 검색하고 지식인 검색하시지 마시고
형제부동산에 문의하세요..
집관련 재무관련 세입자관련 이민관련 모기지관련..
이분들 모르는게 없어요..

캘거리에서는 집팔고 집사는거 걱정하지 마세요!!
우리에겐 형제가 있으니까요!!!

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