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Evergreen Basement For Rent !
작성자 fayt    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 60620 작성일 2024-06-12 22:26 조회수 842

Semmie Du +John

Evergreen Basement For Rent 
(two bedrooms Plus one dining room and bathroom &one small office) 
One ppl 1300$
Two ppl 1500$
Three ppl 1600$
including utilitie
Security Deposit:$1600(payable before move-in)
- No Smoking allowed (Smoking outside is okay!) 
- No pets allowed 
*Move-in is required to have 1st month rent payment and security deposit paid in full; signed lease agreement and tenant insurance are required. 
Note: To qualify for your rental application, you are required to provide the below information: 
1) Employment verification (including 2 most recent pay stubs or employment letter) or Income support confirmation; 
2) A credit check; 
3) Current and previous landlord references and two co-worker contracts cellphone number 
4) Provide 1 piece of government photo ID for all prospective tenant(s) 
If you are interested and qualified, please feel free to send your message
Basement Room for rent in Evergreen
(Two bedrooms & Den &Living room)
Single: $1,300
Double: $1,500
Three families:$1,600

???? Students, Work permit, working professional.
???? Own Full Bathroom
???? Shared kitchen and laundry.
???? 1 reserved parking

???? Bus stop 2mins walk.
???? 37mins drive to Downtown
???? 3 bus going to Shawnessy shopping Center
???? Easy Access to Stoney Trail and Deerfoot

❌️ No smoking
❌️ No pets
❌️ No drugs

Quick move in

PM if interested
Semmie: 587-969-6888

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다만, 배달의 민족. 이라던지 한국에서 Bus 나 train예매는 사용이 안되요. 본인 인증이 안되더라고요. 그래서 예매나 뭐 시켜 먹을땐 조금 불편하지만 ( 이문제는 스피드잡스 심카드랑 전혀 관계가 없어요)
전화랑 인터넷은 너무 잘되고 좋았습니다.
친절하신 사장님과 추후 카톡으로 연락을 할수 있게 도와주시더라고요. 잘쓰고 갑니다.
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