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룸렌트 (남성전용) / 벨트라인 / 9월1일부터
작성자 강제    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 61351 작성일 2024-08-12 11:04 조회수 369

외국인 친구 대신해서 올립니다

One room available in Beltline condo for male only

• Beltline, you can enter this post code in googlemap T2R 0R6, close to all amenities and located two blocks from 17th Avenue SW. 
• Safeway is few mins walk.
• If you need parking, let me know because I need to check with building management if it's available. Cost is $100/ month outdoor stall uncovered, 
• Can be furnished or unfurnished.
• Place is clean and quiet.
• Rent is $850 include all utility (wifi, electricity, water). Deposit is $500.
• Laundry/ dryer is in the common area in the building basement using card ($2.75 for dryer and $2.75 for washer). 
• It’s a 2-bedrooms unit, so you will be sharing this unit with me, a young male. professional who works in downtown Calgary. I’d like to say I’m friendly and easygoing :)
• One of my family members will come and visit for few months so there will be 3 of us for the time being.
• Clean, quiet and respectful of shared spaces and personal time.
• Working holiday or working professional is welcomed.
What’s next:
• If you’re interested, please introduce yourself and we can setup a time for viewing. 
• We can try for 1 month and if we are a good fit, you can lease for long term. 
• Email cometohelp-property@yahoo.com or text in English for faster response: 587-707-2525

Thank you!

다음글 캘거리 선알타 9/1입주 룸렌트 합니다
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