Hello everyone!!
안녕하세요 여러분!!
AKCSE and KCC have partnered up together for a virtual mentorship program!
AKCSE 와 KCC 가 모여서 멘토십 프로그램을 주관하게 되었습니다!
KCC’s mentoring partnership with the Association of Korean Canadian Scientists and Engineers (AKCSE) brings together mentees, who are looking for advice and guidance in current or future work and/or studies in Canada, with mentors, who want to grow as leaders by sharing their knowledge and experience!
KCC와 Association of Korean Canadian Scientists and Engineers (AKCSE) 가 함께하여 캐나다에서 앞으로 미래의 일과 공부과정가운데 조언이나 가이드가 필요한 멘티들과 유용한 지식과 정보를 공유하며 리더로 성장하기를 원하는 멘토들을 매칭해주는 멘토링 매칭 프로그램을 주관하게 되었습니다!
We are looking for both mentors who want to share their knowledge and experiences, and mentees who are willing to learn from them and take the initiative. The main topic of our mentoring will be about adapting to Canadian Culture and will be mainly in English.
멘토와 멘티에 관심있으신분들을 모집하고있습니다. 이 멘토십의 메인 주제는 adapting to Canadian Culture 이며 주로 영어로 진행될 계획입니다.
**The application is open until Feb 5, 2021.** Please visit this website for more details: tiny.cc/AKCSE-KCCinfo
한국어 해석 링크 : https://calgarykcc.wordpress.com/korean-translation-mentorship-match-sign-up/
- We are welcoming mentors in wide variety of fields however, we currently have unmatched mentors in the Medical and Engineering fields!
* 운영팀에 의해서 본 게시물이 자유게시판에서 행사안내로 이동되었습니다 (2021-02-03 11:51)