공고 대상및 장학금
제출 서류: 신청서 참조
신청서: http://calgaryksf.org 에서 download 후 작성
접수마감일과 제출서:
1. 마감일시: 2012년 8월31일 4:00 pm
2. 제출서: 캘거리 한인장학재단
(Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation)
7008 Farrell Rd SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T2
문의: 황영만 (403-819-0225), 조현주(403-567-0402)
dhwang64@gmail.com, hyunjucho@hotmail.com
* 기타자세한 내용은 홈페이지 참고
* 뜻 있는 한인들의 장학금 후원을 환영합니다.
Amounts of Scholarship & Categories:
Documents to be submitted: please see the application form (downloaded at http://calgaryksf.org (click Apply)
Send the application: Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation
7008 Farrell Rd SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T2
*Documents must be received by August 31, 2012: 4pm.*
For further detailed information,
Call: Daniel Hwang (403)819-0225 , Dr. HyunJu Cho(403)567-0402.
Eligibility: Any Korean-Canadian and Canadian [whose parents resides in Calgary or its immediate vicinity] who is currently enrolled as a full time students at an educational institution (including grade 9-12, colleges, universities and law/medical school as of September 2012) is eligible for the CKSF scholarship. A student can receive scholarship awards from CKSF once in high school, twice in college/university (political endeavour students can receive the awards until finishing the undergraduate courses), and twice in the medical school/law school.
“ CKSF가 젊은이 들의 큰 꿈을 펼치는데 기반이 되어드리겠습니다! ”
캘거리 한인 장학재단
Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation
7008 Farrell Rd SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T2