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캘거리 국제 맥주 페스티벌 (5월 6 ~7일) , 에드먼튼은 6월 3~4일
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 2382 작성일 2022-04-28 11:45 조회수 1362

200개 이상의 맥주양조장들이 참여하며 700개 이상의 맥주들이 선보이게 되는 페스티벌이다

입장료는 33불을 내면 4온즈짜리 샘플링 컵을 받게 되고 이것으로 여러 맥주들을 맛볼수 있게 된다

현장에서는 음식도 판매한다.




The Calgary International Beerfest brings the beer world together at Canada’s largest beer festival. Rated as one of the best beer festivals in the world, with 700+ beers from 200+ breweries, and so many innovative destinations within the festival, your biggest challenge will be deciding where to start.

Hear great stories in the RAHR Malting Brew Master Seminars or savour the food & beer pairings in the Alberta Pork Cooking with Beer Seminars; Explore the emerging craft spirit industry; Sample delicious food from some of Calgary’s best restaurants; Take in all the entertainment; Support great charities and immerse yourself in this amazing community. With a range of ciders, meads, and other beverages to go with the beers and spirits – there really is something for everyone.


May 6 & 7, 2022



BMO Centre, Stampede Park

20 Roundup Way, Calgary, AB

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