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[구인] Pathway dental / Receptionist / 3220 5 ave NE
작성자 Stanleethemanly    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 54773 작성일 2023-12-01 08:44 조회수 1119
업종(혹은 상호) : Pathway dental
업무(포지션) : Receptionist
시급 혹은 월급 : 18-27
업소위치 : 3220 5 ave NE
근무조건 : 풀 or 파트타임
연락처 : tkim@pathwaysdental.ca

PT/FT Dental Receptionist (must speak both english and korean)


If they have dental experience, it is preferred, but if not are willing to train for the right candidate. 


Dental receptionist role includes following but not limited to: patient scheduling, phone calls and e-mails, dental insurance handling (pre-determinations, billings), payments, etc. 

must be able to multi- task and a fast learner. 


We are flexible whether PT or FT, but must be able to do 1-2 evenings a week and 2 Saturdays a month. (Evening shifts will be 11-7 or 12-8) and Saturdays will be 8-4


For non experienced start pay will be $18-20/hour. 

With experience, pay can be $20-27/hour


send resume to


다음글 [구인] H mart Calgary Downtown / 캐셔부 / 1308 1ST SE, CALGARY AB T2G 0G8
이전글 [구인] GM Reno. 직원모집 헬퍼 경력사원3년이상 (레스브릿지현장) / 경력목수 헬퍼 / Calgary
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