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FREE Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association Youth Summer Camps!
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 2204 작성일 2021-06-10 10:37 조회수 1741

Open to all genders:


To Register:


  1. Please visit our Beacons page: https://beacons.page/ciwayouthyyc
  2. Contact Shannon Edeonu shannone@ciwa-online.com 403-263-4414



Youth Empowerment Summit


·         Virtual summit exploring topics such as healthy communication, goal setting, career planning, conflict resolution, diversity, self-care etc.

·         Raffle prizes & certificates!

·         July 19-23 OR August 16-20, 2:00-4:00 each day

·         25 spots open for each date

·         Age 14-18, any gender, any immigration status


Open to girls:


Fun Activity Days:


·         Join us for fun-filled activities and workshops as we learn about wellness, self-care, community resources and building social connections

·         Will include a socially distanced meet-up and outdoor activities in the park

·         July 12 – 14 OR August 9 – 11

·         40 spots total

·         Open to Permanent Resident girls who are 13-24 years old


Youth Leadership Course: Train the Trainer


·         Participants will learn about volunteerism, voting, and voicing your opinion

·         Participants will receive a $50 honorarium for participating in the program

·         July 19-23 OR August 17-20, from 10:00-1:00 each day

·         10 spots open for each date

·         Open to Permanent Resident girls who are ages 13-24 years old


Civic Engagement in the Park!


·         Meet link-minded young women and learn more about how you can be an active and engaged member of your community

·         Every week, we will meet to discuss themes relating to Civic Engagement, like volunteering, voicing your opinion, and government

·         Date: July 26 – August 6

·         35 spots total

·         Open to Permanent Resident girls who are 13-18 years old

4-Week Youth Summer Camp

·         Put on in partnership with Jay’s Care Foundation. Girls will have the chance to meet new friends, learn about baseball, discuss topics and issues relevant to their age group, and experience fun and interactive activities

·         3 days a week (1 virtual camp and 2 in-person camps) 

·         2 Intakes:

o   July 5 to 28 (Intake 1) – FOR GIRLS 10 TO 14

o   August 6 to 30 (Intake 2) – FOR GIRLS 13 TO 17

·         15 spots available per intake

·         Any Immigration status

Youth Mentorship Camp: Explore: Inside-Out


·         Explore your inner self, build new friendships and learn more about how mentorship can help you achieve your goals. Join us for a full week of fun including art and beauty crafts, and fieldtrips to the Calgary Zoo, Indigenous Drumming Circle, and outdoor mini golf

·         Blended summer camp with both virtual and in-person activities

·         July 26 – 30

·         35 spots available

·         Open to Permanent Resident Girls 14-21 who are interested in joining CIWA’s year-round mentorship programs


To Register:


  1. Please visit our Beacons page: https://beacons.page/ciwayouthyyc

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