차량은 2009 쉐비 임팔라, 65,000km 주행했습니다.
오일교환후 딜러서비스에서 아래와 같은 문제가 발견되었다고 리포트를 했는데
가장 먼저해야할 심각한게 있는지요? 가격이 만만치 않네요. 잘 아시는분들의 의견을 듣고 싶습니다.
1. Replace rear brake pads and replace rear brake rotors (3 mm or less(disc brakes))
Fail $551.95
2. Perform four wheel alignment (Found control arm bushings worn/loose)
Fail $99.95
3. Perform automatic transmission fluid exchange service (Found automatic transmission fluid to be contaminated/burnt)
Fail $184.95
4. Replace steering rack assembly (Found power steering fluid leak)
Fail $1,147.00
5. Replace lower control arm bushings (Found control arm bushings worn/loose)
Fail $517.00