위에 소개된 웹사이트 가이드 부분에서 타지방 자격증 전환부분만 발췌한 내용입니다. 아래 내용 참고하셔서 신청서와 원본 자격증을 보내 심사 받으시면 될 것 같습니다.
Q/What if I was already certified as an early childhood educator from another province in Canada?
A/If your credentials have been assessed and you received a certificate/licence as an early childhood educator from British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Yukon, you may apply in Alberta without having to submit your official transcripts for another assessment. Instead, you will need to provide the original qualification certificate from one of the provinces listed above along with a completed Child Care Certification Application form. Your level of certification will be issued at an equivalent level from the issuing province.