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캐나다 사관학교를 졸업한 안예희양의 편지 원본 공개
온타리오주 윈저에 교민 Mr. Chang님께서 본지 편집부 앞으로 연락주시기를
본지 지난 5월 21일자에 실렸던 안예희양의 캐나다 사관학교 졸업식 기사와 더불어 안양의 편지내용에 대해 매우 감명깊게 읽었다고 말하며, 본인의 아들도 사관학교 입학을 하고 싶어하는데 안양의 영문편지 원본을 보내줄수 없느냐는 내용이었습니다.

편집부에서는 Mr. Chang님께 편지 원본을 보내드렸으며 필요한 독자들이 더 있을것 같아 영문편지 원본을 이곳에 공개하게 되었습니다.

Mr. Chang님의 편지 내용
Dear CN Dream:

First, thank you for the nice article about " RMC 안예희".

I was so impressed of her excellent performance to get over the hard situation to be successful.

Would you do ma a favour? May I have the original in English from Miss. HAN via Email due to my son who is supposed to go to RMC as the first year coming on Aug 8,2009 and gotten it to be taken a look after receiving ?

If I may be sent it through my E mail above, I would much appreciate it.

Say again, The article has been so nice and so effect to our family sent my son to RMC at Kingston ON. and Thanks a lot.

May God bless you

안예희양의 영문편지 전문

Hello Sir,

Thank you so much for taking interest in me and my graduation! I am sorry that I can not write you in Korean because I don't have the font on my computer right now. Anyways, this is something I wrote for your paper, I hope it is okay that it is in English. It is quite long so feel free to cut any parts out! I will send you the pictures in a separate e-mail and you can choose whichever ones you like. Thank you again!

"I feel really honored and grateful to have graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada. This is a school known for graduating Canada's best to lead the nation. This reputation puts a lot of pressure on the Officer Cadets at the college to always give their best. The experiences that I have had can not be put into words, but only expressed through my motivation to be a person of purpose in my future endeavors. My first year at RMC was the hardest year because of the many new life-changing aspects of military and college life. Moving away from my family and friends as well as competing against some of the best students in the country were some of the challenges that I faced.

There are four components that you must fulfill before you can be granted a RMC degree; Leadership, Athletics, Academics and Bilingualism. If you fail in any of these components over the four years you will be expelled from RMC. At RMC, I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with great professors and small class sizes. I fulfilled the athletics component by being a member of the Varsity Tae Kwon Do team as well as part of the CISM (Counseil International du Sports Militaire) team which represents Canada overseas. I was trained by the National team coach and have represented Canada provincially, nationally, and internationally. My most challenging component was learning French in order to fulfill the bilingual component. I studied French for one hour each day for four years in order to read, write, and speak French effectively. I feel very lucky to have learned a third language. I feel that knowing both Korean and French will benefit me greatly in the future. The most rewarding component of the RMC program was the test of leadership. In my fourth year I was selected to be a Cadet Squadron Leader (CSL) to lead just under 100 people. I learned that a leadership position is more than a rank or a title next to your name but it is a way of life and a way of representing who you are as a person. People will only follow those who lead with integrity and set a good example.

My summers away from school consisted of military training in Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario to become an Army Logistics Officer. It was during my summer training I learned the most about my weaknesses and strengths. Some courses consisted of no sleep for 10 days with no showers, a real washroom or food. It is when all of the physiological needs of a human being are not met that the true characters of individuals are revealed. I will be fully qualified as an Army Logistics Officer after this summer and am posted to Edmonton, Alberta to start my career. I am very excited for the challenges and lessons that will come my way in the upcoming years. I hope to pursue a Masters degree through the military and work towards being a part of international relations between Korea and Canada.

So many of us go through life being content with mediocrity and thinking we have everything figured out. This is the ignorance that will never allow us to better ourselves and the world around us. I am very grateful to have had a wonderful family who support and push me to keep going when I think that I cannot go on any longer. The integrity, faith and work ethic my parents instilled in me are the sole foundations of my success at the college. Their example of life always gave me the strength and courage to not be scared to do anything. The RMC experience is indescribable and highly rewarding. I would recommend applying to RMC to anyone that is motivated and wants a fulfilling career with the Canadian Forces. If you are interested or have any questions please e-mail me (leonaahn@live.com)."

기사 등록일: 2009-06-12
나도 한마디
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