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Free ALPHA Course for English Speakers of Other Languages
작성자 운영팀    지역 일반 게시물번호 375 작성일 2009-09-08 10:33 조회수 1880
At Hawkwood Baptist Church
Monday evenings starting September 21, 2009 at 7:00 PM.

Anyone can come
Laughing and Learning about Jesus
Party snacks
Helping one another
Ask anything

This is a 20 week course especially for people who are learning the English language and is best for those who have at least a basic level of conversational English.
It is for 16 years old and up, as we are unable to provide child care.
The subjects covered are the same as the standard Alpha course but the presentation is different. Have you ever wondered, "Is there more to life than this?"  Does the quest for one more promotion, a little bit more money than you have today, the never ending cycle of taking care of a house and family, leave you wanting more?  Alpha may be part of your journey to find out. Some examples of topics covered are:  Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? Can I be sure of my faith? Why and how should I read the Bible? How can I make the most of my Life?
The Alpha course has become a way to explore the meaning of life around the world.

To register, call the church office at 403-239-6200 or 한국어 상담 403-681-7512.

Hawkwood Baptist Church
20 Hawkwood Dr. NW
Calgary, AB  T3G 2W2

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