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2012년 엔지니어링 관련 업계동향에 관한 설명회
작성자 운영팀.     게시물번호 695 작성일 2012-05-17 11:20 조회수 1556
KESC – Professional Development 2012

Fellow Members and New Graduates,

This year marks the 12th anniversary of Korean Experts Society in Canada (KESC). KESC has evolved around sharing information and technical knowledge about oil & gas industry in an informal networking environment. It is a multi-discipline, volunteer-based, and non-profit association which has provided invaluable networking opportunities across Canada.


In response to economic recovery in the oil & gas industry, KESC is going to host a forum to provide an educational and social convention for those employed in, and associated with, the oil & gas industry. In collaboration with current engineers and specialists, we would like to present the career prospects in the industry and build awareness of KESC’s integral roles in the Korean community.


On behalf of KESC, I am pleased to invite you to support our special event on June 15, 2012 at 4:30 pm at Scarboro Community Hall (1727, 14 Avenue S.W. Calgary AB).


Please make RSVP on the website: www.kesc.org/pd2012, before 2012-05-31.


We look forward to seeing you at the event.


Kind Regards,



Suyoung Lee, P.Eng

President, KESC 2012

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