| 2008-06-16 20:35
지역 Calgary
제가 지금 알바타 대학을 다니고 있는데, 확실히 프로빈셜 펀드를 받아서 장학금도 캘거리 대학보다 많이 주고, 캠퍼스도 훨씬 더 잘 되어있기에, 대학은 확실히 알바타가 더 좋습니다.. 근데.. 생활해보니깐, 집에 있는 대학이 편한것도 있습니다. 친구들도 거의 다 캘거리에 있고, 에드몬턴은 대학들어가는거 빼곤 다른 외 진 곳갈땐 교통도 불리하고... 학교만 보신다면 알바타대학이 좋지만, 생활하는거 등등을 고려하실땐 캘거리가 더 좋습니다. (아 그리고 알바타 기숙사 만약 lister 을 들어가시게 되시면, 1학년땐 룸메이트랑 같이 한방을 쓰는데, 좀 좁기도하고.. 그리고 층 전체랑 화장실을 나눠쓰셔서.. 여자분이시라면 좀 불편하실수도 있습니다..;;) 도움이 되셨으면 좋겠네요.
| 2008-06-20 13:49
지역 Calgary
It entirely depends on what program you have applied for.
Indeed, U of Alberta is most certainly more higher level compared to U of Calgary. While that may not be the case in the future, U of Calgary will need another decade at least to catch-up with U of Alberta, assuming that they will still get enormous funds. U of Alberta also offers more options in terms of courses and degree, such as dentistry. The only thing U of C is better at, from my humble opinion, is that Caglary offers health science program... which is pretty good program for anyone interested in med. (Be warned, as competition to be admitted to the program is quite fierce... and early admission is a must as there are only about 100 spots available)
U of C does offer huge financial aid to students, but that\'s mostly the case for students coming from high school (With decent mark, of course)
I\'d love to chat, but I gotta go. Just consider this as a food for thought... good luck~