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캐나다 한인방송에서 진행하는 New Horizon for Seniors Program 시니어를 위한 체력 단련 Fitness 프로그램
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 2503 작성일 2022-09-16 20:50 조회수 1323

(Fitness Program for Seniors)

대한민국 전통 무술인 태권도를 접목시킨 Fitness 프로그램을 통해 Senior 들에게 근력강화를 통한 활기찬 삶의 활력을 제공.

강사 소개 : 

이찬우 (Chanwoo Lee): 태권도 공인 8, 국제 공인 심판관, 알버타 주니어 태권도팀 코치역임

Cecilia H. Lee: 태권도 공인 6, 다수의 태권도 프로그램 진행


시작날짜 : 2022930() 오전 10, 10주간 매주 금요일 진행

프로그램 시간: 10:00-10:40-중간 휴식-10:50-11:30 ( 2 Class 진행)

장소 : #211-20 Countryhills Landing NW, Calgary, AB T3K 5P4

신청자격: 60세 이상 시니어로 근력 강화를 위한 Fitness 프로그램에 관심이 많은 분

전화문의 : 403.708.7325, 403-383-2715

접수 이메일 : ckbsca@gmail.com





New Horizons for Seniors Program  

-Canada Korean Broadcasting Society



Canada Korean Broadcasting Society  is pleased to announce that we have received funding under the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program for our project

"The tight knot connecting the old and the young"


This federal grants and contributions program supports projects that are led or inspired by seniors who are making a difference in the lives of others in their communities.

The funds will be used to develop the programs as below,


-You can speak English (ESL program for Seniors)

-Enjoy your life (Outdoor activity program for Seniors)

-Your are not too old to dance (Indoor Dance program for Seniors)

-Make your own meal (Special food making program for Seniors)

-Wake-up grand-parent (Mentor program for youth with seniors)


Thank you to the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program for the funding support provided to Canada Korean Broadcasting Society. It will make a significant difference in the lives of seniors in our community.

For more information, visit New Horizons for Seniors Program – Community-based projects.








* 운영팀에 의해서 본 게시물이 자유게시판에서 행사안내로 이동되었습니다 (2022-10-01 10:18)

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