그래서 그랬군요
제가 예전에 캐나다 달러로 약 520불정도의 물건을 주문했었는데
UPS로 왔었는데요(보내는 쪽에서 shipping charge를 저한테 따로 했고요 약 50불)
ups에서 220불을 또 내라고 하더군요
싼 맛에 신청했는데 (중국산이었습니다)
배보다 배꼽이 더 컸읍니다.
황당했었습니다. 미국제는 duty가 없었습니다.
JC씨의 정보에 감사드립니다.
☞ JC 님께서 남기신 글
and where it's made from. If the item was made in USA
then Canada custom charges just 7% GST(?), if item(s)
was made in other than US. then U have to pay
addtional 6%-23% duty it depends what kind of
products it is. But *brokerage(UPS) handling
charges are huge as well.
item cost $1,000 US
s/h charges by the seller ? US
Duty 6%-23% CDN
brokerage fee $50-$70 CDN
*brokerage fee is who ever deliver the item to ur door and they will pay out the what ever the taxes to Canada
customs but broker will charge the money back to u
with service charges.
U should find out who's going to deliver ur goods fr. the seller
and find out the phone number in local phone book and
call the broker for exact information.
Excuse my English,
☞ 급질 님께서 남기신 글