☞ JC 님께서 남기신 글
Could be one of many things. May be it's dirty ICV
(idle control valve) this ICV or IAC can be cleaned
out w/carburator cleaner, but I'm suspecting you may
have vacuum leak.
You should first try this procedure.
Turn the igintion on and open the hood and listen for
a sound of air leaking( "whistle") some where around
the engine area especially valve cover of gasket area
or small hoses.
If you can find the where the air leak is than spray with
carb cleaner where the sound is comming from and listen
for any change of RPM.
if its not the vacuum leak than could be battery itself
or O2 sensor.
Your interior light goes dimmer and gets brighter is
normal during rough idle due to low amps of battery
Also it depends what type of vehicle it is.
excuse my english
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