Check some of the bulletin boards at public libraries, Mount Royal College or
U of Calgary. There are numerous postings on community events and volunteer
activities you can join. I've been volunteering at Foothills hospital but only
residents and citizens can apply. When it comes to volunteering, international
students are often limited to community centres and smaller organizations that
do not require stringent screening process such as police record and
☞ joey 님께서 남기신 글
volunteer 할 수 있는 장소 아시면 좀 알려주세요... 그리고...혹시 영어 관련해서 conversation 클럽이나 영어 관련 활동 할 수 있는 곳 있음 추천부탁합니다... 이거 참.. 공부하러 온지 9주지났는데...참 힘드네요 영어가..ㅎㅎ