Welcome to Republic of Korea
코리아 제주아일랜드에 도착한 여러분을 환영합니다.
어느 나라에나 처음에는 모두 손님으로 오게 되지만,
고향이 따로 있나요? 살다보면 고향이지요.
무사히 정착해서
고국에 남아있는 여러분의 가족들도 모두 안전하게 데려오시고
미래의 한국시민이 될 각오로 열심히 살아가시기 바랍니다.
그게 여러분을 새 가족으로 받아 준 여러분의 새 나라 공동체에 대한 보답이라고 생각합니다.
여러분은 코리아에게 부담스런 짐이 아니라
미래의 코리아가 celebration diversity 를 구가하는 새로운 나라로 거듭나게 하는데 첫 주춧돌을 놓은 사람들로 기억될 것 입니다.
Welcome to ROK
Moving to Korea is a great opportunity for you and your family that will join with you in the near future. Many Korean people welcome you, also appreciate your choosing Korea as a new living place because your coming will be one of the cornerstone contributions to transforming this country into a graceful multi-cultural society in the future so that Korea can celebrate lovely and graceful diversity.
Please do not be extremely disappointed with a feeling that you are not welcomed. According to a new questionaries' survey I learned most recently, only about a half of the survey respondents said 'no'. It is much more positive survey result than the survey result I quoted by misreading the data earlier. Even though I did not misread the data knowingly I politely and terribly apologize to everyone for my mistake.
As an overseas Korean(a Korean Canadian), thank you for choosing Korea again.
The African Canadian family in the first photo knows that you are in Korea now.
They also had their fingers crossed for your well and your new life in Korea.