Wage Subsidy
전에 발표가된 10% 는 75%로 늘린다. March 15, 2020 부터 낸급여에 적용이 될것이다
Government Guarantee Bank Loans
스몰비즈니스 위한 대출 - 최대 $40,000 대출 1년간 무이자
대출 해당사항은 2019 Gross Payroll이 $50,000-$1 million 되어야한다
대출을 12월 31일 2022년 전까지 갚으면, 대출에 25% (최대 $10,000) 은 안갚아도 될수있다
각자쓰는 은행에서 신청을 할수가 있을것이다
GST/HST Payment Deadline
GST and HST payments, duties and taxes 6월 30일 까지 안내도된다
월요일 3월30일에 자세한 사항이 발표될예정입니다.
(영문 자료)
Wage Subsidy
Previously 10% to be increased to 75% and backdated to March 15, 2020
Government Guarantee Bank Loans
Up to $40,000 for small businesses which will be interest-free for the first year
To qualify, need to demonstrate they paid between $50,000 to $1 million in total payroll in 2019
Repaying the balance of the loan on or before December 31, 2022 will result in loan forgiveness of 25 percent (up to $10,000)
Small businesses can apply for these loans at their respective institutions
GST/HST Payment Deadline
GST and HST payments, as well as duties and taxes owed on imports, will be deferred until June 30
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자료 제공 : 박희주, 박정규 회계사