**** 자원봉사자 모집 ****
한인사회복지센터에서 아시아 유산의 달을 맞이하여 올해는 동양 뿐만이 아니라 다양한 나라들과 함께 전통 및 현대문화 감상과 인종차별 사례 발표를 통해 하나되고 화합된 캐나다로 나아가자는 행사를 주최 및 주관하게 되었습니다.
본 행사는 "Beyond Race: We're All One!"을 주제로 여러 아시아 및 비아시아 커뮤니티가 참여하여 고유 문화를 소개하는 자리로 작년부터 올해, 그리고 앞으로 매년 이어나가고자 합니다.
올해 행사는 6월 30일 아트 커먼스 - 말타 코헨 극장에서 열리며 봉사자 분들께는 점심, 간식, 그리고 소정의 답례품이 제공 될 예정입니다.
*본 행사는 Government of Alberta - Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Grant 로부터 후원을 받습니다.
<Calling for Volunteers>
During the Month of Asian Heritage, Korean Social Services Centre is back to create a safe space where we can all learn and appreciate our differences, and to share the lived experiences as immigrants of Canada.
"Beyond Race: We're All One!" is carrying title for multiple Asian and non-Asian communities which will be participating in the event in various presentations to celebrate the month together in a meaningful way.
It will be held at the Arts Commons - Martha Cohen on the 30th of June and there will be lunch, snacks, and honorarium for each volunteer will be provided.
*The event is sponsored by the Government of Alberta - Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Grant and hosted/coordinated by the Korean Social Services Centre.
During the Month of Asian Heritage, Korean Social Services Centre is back to create a safe space where we can all learn and appreciate our differences, and to share the lived experiences as immigrants of Canada.
"Beyond Race: We're All One!" is carrying title for multiple Asian and non-Asian communities which will be participating in the event in various presentations to celebrate the month together in a meaningful way.
It will be held at the Arts Commons - Martha Cohen on the 30th of June and there will be lunch, snacks, and honorarium for each volunteer will be provided.
*The event is sponsored by the Government of Alberta - Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Grant and hosted/coordinated by the Korean Social Services Centre.