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캘거리 언더그라운드 영화제...Documentary Film Festival 11월 22~26일까지
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 2725 작성일 2023-11-19 16:33 조회수 701

올해로 11회를 맞이하는 본 영화제는 15편 이상의 장편, 단편 영화들이 소개됩니다

장소 : 시내 글로브 씨네마


CUFF.Docs Documentary Film Festival showcases the best in non-fiction films. The event presented by the Calgary Underground Film Festival screens 15+ full-length features, as well as shorts, varying in subject, style and genres within the art form. The 11th event will take place from November 22-26, 2023 at Globe Cinema.

CUFF.Docs is the perfect place for anyone with the same intrigue and interest in factual content as we have. We’ll bring guests with the films, and plan for a unique CUFF-experience with the festival, and the films we present. We aim to promote art and encourage dialogue.

At CUFF.Docs, the quality of the film is what matters most; we don't book films to make political statements or advocate for particular issues. Instead, we hope to present a range of films that both confirm and challenge beliefs, promoting a sense of wonder and a healthy skepticism, and above all, that continue to advance the medium of documentary filmmaking.

The Calgary Underground Film Festival loves supporting independent film, and with a great team and passionate supporters, we elevate Calgary's cultural landscape.




다음글 크리스마스 마켓이 올해도 열립니다. (스푸르스 메도우 승마장)
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