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re: re: 추가 속보(펌)..시금치
작성자 기쁘미     게시물번호 -4885 작성일 2006-09-17 21:13 조회수 1040

오늘 일요일까지 109명이 병에 걸렸다네요.

시금치를 깨끗이 씻는다고 대장균이 없어지지 않고 삶아서 먹어도 되겠지만 권장 안 합니다. 요번에는 정말 지독한 거래네요..





By Justin M. Norton

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SAN FRANCISCO (CP) - The number of people sickened by an E. coli outbreak traced to tainted spinach rose to 109 on Sunday, as federal officials announced more brands recalling their products.

"This is unquestionably a significant outbreak in terms of E. coli," said Dr. David Acheson, chief medical officer with the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Canadians were also warned by food inspection officials Friday not to eat bagged fresh spinach imported from the United States. Grocery stores started clearing all spinach products from their shelves.

Natural Selection Foods LLC, the world's largest producer of organic produce, has been linked to the infected greens, prompting a recall of 34 brands. Those brands include the company's own labels and those of other companies that had contracts with Natural Selection, based in San Juan Batista, Calif., to produce or package its spinach.

On Sunday, River Ranch Fresh Foods of Salinas, Calif., added to its recall spring mixes containing spinach that were sold under the labels Hy Vee, Fresh and Easy, and Farmers Market, FDA officials said. All contain spinach purchased from Natural Selection, they said.

The recalls came as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention intervened to help in investigate the outbreak, which has killed a 77-year-old Wisconsin woman, officials said.

In Ohio, state health officials said they were investigating the death of a 23-month-old girl who was sickened by E. coli to determine whether the case was related to the outbreak. The girl's mother said she often buys bagged spinach.

CDC officials said Sunday they've started an Atlanta-based emergency operations centre to help state health agencies with E. coli testing. Epidemiologists are helping test spinach samples and stool samples of infected people, centre spokeswoman Lola Russell said.

The centre is helping when state health agencies can't perform the tests or when a second opinion is needed, Russell said.

E. coli cases linked to tainted spinach have been reported in 19 states, with a majority of cases in Wisconsin.

Other states reporting cases were California, Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming, according to the CDC. The seven new cases reported Sunday were in states with previous illnesses, Acheson said.

The Food and Drug Administration continued to warn consumers not to eat fresh spinach or products containing fresh spinach until further notice.

The investigation by the FDA and the California Department of Health Services will widen Monday with the aim of tracing the spinach to individual farms, Acheson said.

The inquiry will review irrigation methods, harvest conditions and other practices at farms possibly involved.

The spinach could have been contaminated in the field or during processing. About 74 per cent of the fresh market spinach grown in the U.S. comes from California, according to the California Farm Bureau Federation.

There is no indication that the outbreak was deliberate, Acheson said. It was unclear when it would be safe for consumers to start buying fresh spinach, he added.

Natural Selection recalled its packaged spinach throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico as a precaution after federal health officials said some of those hospitalized reported eating brands of prepackaged spinach distributed by the company.

However, some restaurants and retailers may be taking spinach out of bags before selling it, so consumers shouldn't buy it at all, the FDA said.

Boiling contaminated spinach can kill the bacteria, but washing won't eliminate it, the CDC warned.

Federal officials stressed that the bacteria had not been isolated in products sold by Natural Selection, best known for the Earthbound Farm brand. As the investigation continues, other brands may be implicated, officials said.

Natural Selection officials have said they're working with federal and state health inspectors to pinpoint the source of the contamination.

The company was founded in 1984 by Drew and Myra Goodman. Within two years, Earthbound Farm began shipping pre-washed, packaged salad fixings, and the company's "spring mix" became a mainstay of restaurants and supermarkets.

☞ 기쁘미 님께서 남기신 글

미국산 시금치에서 지금 대장균 검출로 현재 미국내 8개주에서 1명이 사망하고 40명 가까이 병이 들어서 전국적으로 FDA에서 시금치  금지를 했습니다.

결국 캐나다도 시금치 대부분이 미국산이어서 캐나다 보건부에서 packed in usa를 금지한 상황 입니다. 캐나다는 아직 대장균 검출은 안 되어도 혹시해서 모든 미국산 시금치에 대해서 처분 하도록 경고 했습니다. 캐나다에서 재배하는 것은 괜챦다고 하네요..  
뽀빠이가 헉..헉... ㅠ.ㅠ
☞ 궁금이 님께서 남기신 글

제가 일하는 곳에서
당분간 시금치가 들어간
어떤음식도 만들지 않는다고
미국에서 시금치에서
무슨 큰문제가 있어서
그렇다고 하는데
혹시 아시는분 답글좀 달아주십시요
미처 모르시는 분들에게도
도움이 될듯 싶은데.....

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