위의 글이 거만하게 느껴질 수 있겠지만, 보수복음주의자도 아닌 사람으로서 제가 열심히 보수복음주의를 공부한다는 의미이니 너그럽게 이해해 주시면 감사하겠구요.
세설이 많았는데 본론은 복음주의 미래에 대한 강좌 소개입니다.
Murray W. Downey Lectures - February 2011
On February 16th & 17th at 7:00 p.m. Dr. David Fitch will present two separate lectures on The Future of Evangelicalism: Forging a New Faithfulness in a Post Christendom North America. Dr. Fitch is the Betty R. Lindner Professor of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary, IL.
David Fitch is also the founding pastor of Life on the Vine Christian Community, a missional church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Additionally, he is co-founder of Up|Rooted, a group that gathers church leaders and thinker to engage the issues of the church in a post-modern context. Up|Rooted now has chapters all over the Chicago area.
Dr. Fitch is the author of the very successful book, The Great Giveaway (Baker, 2005). His latest book is The End of Evangelicalism (Wipf & Stock, 2011).
The Lecture will take place in the Ambrose University College Gymnasium as part of the Murray W. Downey Lectureship series. Admission and parking will be free.
For more details please contact Dr. Bernie Van De Walle
Email: bvandewalle@ambrose.edu
Phone: 403.410.2000 ext. 6906
강좌가 열리는 Ambrose University College 오시는 길은 구글 맵을 참조하십시오. 앰브로즈는 얼라이언스와 나자렌이 함께 설립한 학교입니다.
주소: 150 Ambrose Circle, Calgary
이 학교는 SW의 17 Ave와 69 St.라 만나는 교차지점에 있습니다.
Westside Recreation Centre 건너편 Springborough Blvd, SW에 있습니다. 좋은 강좌인 것같으니 복음주의자 여러분의 많은 참여 바라며, 또 기회가 되면 거기서 뵙죠.
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