년봉 7만불 스킬 지도해 드립니다 |
작성자 hyunhyun777
게시물번호 7806 |
작성일 2015-01-27 19:50 |
조회수 3486 |
if your a visitor or working as temp worker or working holiday visa in Canada
or your permitted resident in Canada want make high income like$70000 year.
I can help you to get P.R. card as skilled trade working visa will forward to
sponsorship . I will trained you to be skilled worker I have 6 month program
to be come good skilled trade worker , if you need more info please call
587-890-8287 MR.BAI
혹시 상업적인 내용인가 해서 글 쓴분과 통화했는데 그분 왈
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