Him Accounting
정재호 회계사
Accounting, Payroll, & Taxes
제공하는 업무의 종류와 내용을 정리하면 아래와 같습니다.
1. Payroll Service (급여 지급 처리)
a. Provide payroll
process, payroll direct deposit
b. Remit source deductions to CRA
c. File T4 Summary
& T4s to CRA
d. Issue ROE and file WCB annual return
e. Online or electronic processes
2. Bookkeeping Service (회계장부 정리)
a. Provide bookkeeping
service with accounting software
b. File GST returns and remit GST payable to CRA
c. Prepare annual
financial statements
d. Include corporate
tax return
e. Store your invoices, bills, and bank records for 6 years
3. Tax Returns (회사, 비영리단체, 개인 세금보고)
a. Corporate tax return
- Prepare annual financial statements and file corporate tax return
b. Personal tax return
c. Not-for-profit information return
4. CRA Tax Audit (세무감사 처리)
a. Engage in CRA tax
b. Work with CRA tax auditor
c. Minimize unreported incomes
위의 업무에 해당되는 회계, 세무 Service를 받고자 원하시는 분은 아래의 연락처로 연락을 주시면 진심과 정성으로 맡겨진 업무를 처리할 것을 약속드립니다.
Respectively & Truthfully,
Praise Him 정재호 회계사
Accounting, Payroll, & Taxes
Call or Text: 587-500-7003
Fax: 403-456-4721
Kakao Talk ID: JoshuaJehoJung
The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and loving-kindness. (Psalm 103:8)