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Martin 정부에 보내는 편지
작성자 켈거리사랑     게시물번호 -1056 작성일 2005-01-23 15:04 조회수 1517
Mr. Paul Martin
Prime minister of Canada
Regarding the issue before us on marriage, its definition and role in our society, we the concerned citizens of this nation now speak out.
We believe that ALL people, by nature, are born equal and independent of each other.
Stemming from an innate human of self preservation, the people of this nation, have agreed to form a common society supported by laws based on principles designed to protect and improve upon this very state of self preservation.
The degree to which any nation succeeds in self preservation can be tied to the degree in which that nation's principles are based on sound and or indisputable reasoning.
The definition of marriage as it now stands " the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others " is a sound and key principle upon which our state of self preservation is based.
Marriage as we have originally defined it, between a man and woman, is a unique relationship that simply cannot be replicated or improved upon by any other relationship.
I remind you that Government is instituted by the consent of the people for a definite purpose. Any government failling to furfill that purpose should be replaced. 

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