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Kim Hee Sung
작성자 Proud Korean     게시물번호 -2273 작성일 2005-12-22 00:08 조회수 1290
The Chinese Head Tax was back in 1923. It was A LOT OF MONEY back then as you can imagine. Did you know that it was Conservative who lifted it? Probably not. And as for gay marriage, Kim Hee Sung compared it with Black and White discrimination in US history. That was a very weak disappointing argument. Gays were/are never discriminated to that extent. They just can't get married, now they can. They have all the rights otherwise! Does she have a sense of traditional value or what? Oh, and she said something about ALberta being like Texas. That is a good thing. I've been/lived in Ontario, BC, NS, PEI, NF, etc. Do you know how poor they are? Seoul is 100 years ahead of them. Alberta is rich because Alberta is most America like City in Canada according to a prestigious Canadian lawyer who went to Standford Univ. and practiced in US and Canada. I don't endrose everything US does, but their ecomony is good. Just visit US, you will see what I mean and realize how samll Canada is. According to my professor, US in light years ahead of Canada in size of Economy. Oh, well, it's getting too long, my main point, we can't support Korean only because she is Korean...

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