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re: Critical Situation ?...we do not want it
작성자 Oiler     게시물번호 -2977 작성일 2006-03-28 15:45 조회수 898

Your concern will be right….but we do not want to it to be true.

Have you ever checked the schedule of oil-sand projects in Alberta for the next 10 years ?


Even though oil price is still good for next five years, new projects in Alberta will be decreased after 2008 gradually. Major problem is Calgarians cannot help depending on the design and engineering of new projects.


Construction would be O.K until 2009 or 2010 but it would not be helpful to Calgary that much because Calgay's largest industry is engineering and procurement rather tahn construction. Furthermore; engineering works will be decreased after 2008 significantly based on current Alberta project schedule. Then, many peoples in Calgary from outside have to move back to their original places……and Clgary may not be able to find a way out of the big swamp.

This is unsure forecasting but it may come true.

I would like our Korean immigrants not to expect too much……and to be aware of a critical situation which may be faced near future.


If oil price goes down suddenly, I have no idea...go to Korea or move to Ontario ?

The best idea is to minimize mortgage..if you have more than one house, it could not be happier......but sell it right time.

I have one house only, so..I don't care if house price goes up or crashed suddenly.


An Oil and Gas employee….





☞ 이민자 님께서 남기신 글

요 밑에 글 보니 집값떨어지는 일은 없을꺼라고 누가 그러甄便?
오일파동있을 오래전 집 모기지 감당 못해 큰집들 1불에 내 놓고 팔고 그냥 집 버리고 도망갔다는 일도 있었는데.
언제 또 그런 일이있을지 인생은 모르는거 아니요?
어떻게 장담하쇼?

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