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아디다스 축구화 테스트에 피험자 구함니다.
작성자 박상균     게시물번호 -338 작성일 2004-02-17 21:48 조회수 1460


We are looking for male recreational soccer players (everybody can be a subject) for adidas soccer shoes testing at the University of Calgary. It will take one and half hours to test. You just run on 20m track with 4 different shoes. However, subjects need physical endurance for running. We are going to provide 30 dollar value (sports check gift card) after testing and some drink and snack during running. It will be a good chance to look at testing and see lab facilities if you are interested in.



If you have ever played soccer you can be a subject.

shoe size: 270mm (us 9)

gender: male


If you are interested in being a subject for us please contact 220-7006 (looking for SK) at the office or 247-0384 (home: evening).


Sang Kyoon Park

Msc in Biomechanics

Human Performance Laboratory

Uinveristy fo Calgary


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