Much of the strong demand and drain on inventories is likely warranted by the robust population growth in Calgary and the rest of Alberta, says TD Economics.
As of Thursday afternoon, the Calgary Real Estate Board website showed the current 30-day average residential sale price at $365,466 and the 30-day median sale price at $329,000.
The average residential sale price in Calgary in July was $357,831 and the median price was $330,000.
In August 2005, the city's average residential sale price was $243,835 and the median price was $219,303.
☞ Chan 님께서 남기신 글
”There is no question that the recent dramatic price gains in Calgary and Vancouver are unsustainable and that these urban centres are vulnerable to significant moderation, including the possibility of a pullback in prices at some point in the future,” TD Bank economists Craig Alexander and Steve Chan wrote in a note released Thursday. Aug 31/06
from G&M