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re: 평균 시급이 궁금합니다
작성자 gh     게시물번호 -4704 작성일 2006-09-06 09:41 조회수 846

Alberta weighs hike to minimum wage

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Kelly Cryderman, Calgary Herald

Published: Wednesday, September 06, 2006

To give Alberta's poor a hand up, the province's labour minister said he is considering raising the minimum wage -- even as pay rates increase amid a scorching economy and just one year after a hike of more than $1 an hour.

"Most Albertans now make over $10 an hour, but I think it's good also to establish a base," said Human Resources and Employment Minister Mike Cardinal, who noted the cost of living has increased.

"If it's $8 an hour, I wouldn't mind that, as long as it doesn't negatively impact the employers and employees, especially students. If you set your minimum wage too high, then people hire adults rather than students. So we've got to keep a reasonable balance."

In September 2005, Alberta's minimum hourly wage was increased to $7 from $5.90. That change gave Alberta the fourth-highest rate in the country at the time.

But in the 12 months since, other provinces have increased their minimum wages.

Across Canada, only New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador have lower minimum wages.

Michelle Mondeville, a spokeswoman for Alberta Human Resources and Employment, said, with Alberta's hot economy, the average hourly wage actually paid out has hit nearly $21 an hour, and less than three per cent of Alberta workers earn minimum wage. More than half of those minimum wage earners are aged 19 or younger.

However, a full 18 per cent of working Albertans earn between $7 and $10 an hour.

"It's embarrassing our minimum wage is what it is, the lowest in the country, pretty much -- in the strongest economy," said Dan MacLennan, president of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees. To have it raised, he said, "is beyond a no-brainer."

MacLennan said it's a perfect time to increase the minimum wage -- businesses will complain less than they would if economic times were not as good.

However, Dan Kelly of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business said he doesn't understand what political pressure is forcing the issue given that wages in Alberta are already going up based on market demands. He said a higher minimum wage could hurt businesses in smaller centres and hospitality businesses, where workers earn tips but the base pay is lower.

Kelly also said an increase in the minimum wage would add to inflationary pressures in the province.

"If the minimum wage goes up by X per cent, then people who are earning well above the minimum wage kind of factor that in and believe they should be earning that much more," he said.

Aaron Wyman, owner of the Calgary cleaning service A Maid for a Day, said he is fine with a minimum wage increase. He said he's made it his policy to pay his hardworking staff higher wages to retain them as employees, keep service levels high and to be fair. Including bonuses, he said his employees earn $17 to $22 an hour.

"That's why we win awards, and have a waiting list," Wyman said. "I have a different perspective -- take care of the ones that take care of you."

Cardinal's department said the minister will be reviewing the situation over the next several months and then making his decision.


캘거리헤럴드에 나온 내용입니다. 시급이 보통10불이상이구요

왠만한 업종에서는 단순노동도 12-15불 정도 된다고  구인광고

에 보면 나옵니다. 인터넷 job search에 들어가서 보시면 알수

있습니다. 힘든일들은 17불 이상 주는곳도 꽤 있습니다



☞ titio 님께서 남기신 글
캘거리에서 직업을 구하면 편의점 캐쉬어 유 경험자 시급은 어느 정도 인가요?
계시판에 사람 구하시는 분들은 계시는거 같은데 시급에 대한 이야기는 없네요. 글구 현지인이 운영하는 곳에서는 어느정도 시급을 계산해 주나요?
그냥 평균 정도요.
유 경험이고 편의점 운영 경험도있고 ....북키핑도 해봤고 등등요.
미리 답변에 감사 드립니다. 꾸뻑~^^

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