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What's left of me
작성자 Terry     게시물번호 -5063 작성일 2006-10-02 20:05 조회수 951
What's left of me/Nick lachey


Watched my life pass me by -- in the rearview mirror
Pictures frozen in time -- are becoming clearer
I don't wanna waste another day -- stuck in the shadow of my mistakes -- yeah


Cause I want you -- and I feel you -- crawling underneath my skin
Like a hunger, like a burnin -- to find a place I've never been
Now I'm broken, and I'm faded -- I'm half the man I thought I would be
But you can have -- what's left of me.
(Verse 2) 

I've been dying inside -- little by little
Nowhere to go -- I'm goin outta my mind
An endless circle -- runnin from myself until
You gave me a reason for standing still

And I want you -- and I feel you -- crawling underneath my skin
Like a hunger, like a burnin -- to find a place I've never been
Now I'm broken, and I'm faded -- I'm half the man I thought I was
But you can have -- what's left of me.


Fallin' faster -- barely breathing
Give me somethin to believe in
Tell me it's not all in my head
Take what's left of this man
Make me whole once again

Cause I want you -- and I feel you -- crawling underneath my skin
A hunger, like a burnin -- to find a place I've never been
Now I'm broken, and I'm faded -- I'm half the man I thought I was
You can have, all that's left, (yeah, yeah, yeah) what's left of me

I've been dying inside you see
I'm goin outta my mind (outta my mind, outta my mind, outta my mind)
I'm just runnin' in circles all the time
Will you take what's left? -- of me
I'm just runnin' in circles in my mind
Will you take what's left? -- of me
Take what's left of me


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