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걱정스런 한반도...다행이도~
작성자 기쁘미     게시물번호 -5151 작성일 2006-10-09 12:37 조회수 885
그나마 유엔 사무총장에 한국인이 되면....다행인가?
결국 한반도에서 휘말리는 핵문제에 심려 걱정이 됩니다.
이민자로서 여기서 오래 살앗지만 그래도 애국심은 항상 마음 깊히 가지고 살려고 합니다.
아래 펌 글(야후 캐나다)....
참조 하시고 그래도 한국인이라는 자부심을 가지고 있지만 잃게 될 지도 모르는 한국~~~힘들 내세요!!!    

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - On a day when North Korean announced it had successfully conducted a nuclear test explosion, the UN Security Council officially nominated South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon on Monday to be the world body's next secretary general.


Under the UN Charter, the 15-member Security Council makes a recommendation for the next secretary general to the 192-member General Assembly, which must give final approval.

"The Security Council has just recommended to the General Assembly that Mr. Ban Ki-moon be appointed secretary general of the United Nations" on Jan. 1 when Secretary General Kofi Annan's second five-year term expires, Japan's UN ambassador, Kenzo Oshima, told reporters after the council voted at a private meeting.

In Seoul, Ban expressed gratitude for being nominated and said he would work to resolve the crisis over North Korea's nuclear program.

If appointed to the top job, Ban said he would "contribute as much as I can to the resolution of all kinds of problems, including the North Korean nuclear issue, that may threaten international peace and security."

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