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Nod for bad-behaviour bylaw
작성자 Harry     게시물번호 -5640 작성일 2006-11-14 19:36 조회수 456
Nod for bad-behaviour bylaw
City approves second reading of law targeting social ills such as swearing and spitting
Calgary Sun
Despite lingering legal questions, a new public behaviour bylaw 
targeting those lacking in social graces will soon be on the city's rolls.
City council moved ahead with the bylaw yesterday that would impose fines for those caught brawling, spitting, loitering, defecating or urinating in public after meeting with the city's law department behind closed doors.

While the proposed bylaw easily passed its first two council readings, it must come back for final approval next week, after one last look by city lawyers who have concerns about enforcing some parts of the legislation.

Ald. Craig Burrows, who pushed for the bylaw, said while he was disappointed the legal concerns surfaced at the 11th hour, he believes the legislation is straightforward and vital to ensure city streets remain civil.

"This is the right thing to do -- this is a social contract between Calgarians that calls for a minimum amount of respect," he said.

"Any bylaw can be challenged, but this is something we need to see on city streets."

Under the bylaw, which will come into effect if approved next Monday, fines would range from $50 for carrying a visible knife or standing on public benches or sculptures to $300 for urinating or defecating in public.

Spitters would face a $100 fine, while those who fight in city streets would slapped with a $250 ticket.

Ald. Joe Ceci, one of four aldermen who voted in opposition, said with uncertainty over the ability to enforce the bylaw, council should rethink the plan and who will ultimately be targeted.

"It seems like we're trying to legislate civility among citizens and I'm not sure that's the role of any level of government," he said.

"Not everybody is starting at the same level or has the same opportunities and those with the fewest reso- urces, unfortunately, will be the ones who suffer the effects of this bylaw the most."

Ceci said the city should look at providing public washrooms and other facilities, or the homeless population will bear the brunt of the new bylaw.

But inner-city Ald. Madeleine King said creating basic standards will create a better environment for everybody.

"Unless you have rules, things don't work so well in terms of living together harmoniously," she said.

"It's not targeting the homeless, it's targeting anyone who behaves in this way."

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