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Red tape limits placements
작성자 Harry     게시물번호 -6575 작성일 2007-01-07 09:02 조회수 570

Red tape limits placements

Calgary Herald


Published: Sunday, January 07, 2007


Foreign doctors who could help ease a critical shortage in Alberta are being kept out of the province by tough licensing standards as well as training and support limitations.

Although the number of foreign-trained doctors allowed to practise in Alberta has jumped in recent years, the province is still desperate for medical help.

The Alberta Medical Association estimates the province needs 1,000 additional doctors.


"We've definitely seen an improvement. But it doesn't come close to meeting the needs for new doctors in the province," Howard Wright, co-ordinator for the Alberta International Medical Graduate Program, tells the Herald's Eva Ferguson.

Mini George, 43, a doctor from India now living in Calgary, said universities need more residency spots to train international medical grads.


"There's such a shortage of doctors here, but they make it so difficult (for foreign doctors) to get into programs," said Mini George, a doctor from India now living in Calgary.

There's such a shortage of doctors here, but they make it so difficult (for foreign doctors) to get into programs, said Mini George, a doctor from India now living in Calgary.

Photograph by : Ted Jacob, Calgary Herald


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