멍청한 캐나다 정부가 남을 깔보니까 이런일이 생기는거겠죠.
제가 캐나다 대학서 공부할때 의대다니는 학생들 본적 있는데요..
우리나라 의대 다니는 사람들하고는 정말 차이 많이 납니다.
정말 저렇게 공부해서 무슨 의술을 한다는건지 어이가 없더군요.
한국은 그래도 의대가려면 공부 잘해야 하고 가서도 공부 무지하게 하던데.. 여긴 진짜 장난 아닙니다. 솔직히 여기 패밀리 닥터 수준 정말 뽕가죠... 기계도 최신 장치 하나없고... 의료기술은 한국 절대 못따라 가죠...
☞ Harry 님께서 남기신 글
Red tape limits placements
Foreign doctors who could help ease a critical shortage in Alberta are being kept out of the province by tough licensing standards as well as training and support limitations.
Although the number of foreign-trained doctors allowed to practise in Alberta has jumped in recent years, the province is still desperate for medical help.
The Alberta Medical Association estimates the province needs 1,000 additional doctors.
"We've definitely seen an improvement. But it doesn't come close to meeting the needs for new doctors in the province," Howard Wright, co-ordinator for the Alberta International Medical Graduate Program, tells the Herald's Eva Ferguson.
Mini George, 43, a doctor from India now living in Calgary, said universities need more residency spots to train international medical grads.
Photograph by : Ted Jacob, Calgary Herald
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