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작성자 알바탄     게시물번호 -7126 작성일 2007-02-12 17:47 조회수 689
오늘 우연히 카나다 유력 전국지 신문을 읽다가 위의 제목의 기사를 보았는데, 관심을 많이 불러 일으킬 만한 제목 이라 그런지 100여개의 수많은 리플 중에 생각해 볼만한 글이라 생각되어 원문 그대로 옮겨 봅니다.
원 기사는 앞으로 원유가가 배럴당 30불까지도 내려갈 수 있다는 어느 전문 경제인의 글이었는데 Keith라는 사람이 간단하게 올린 리플에 대해 또다른 사람이 집도 한채 안가지고 있을거라 추측하며 (불행하게도 그런 식의 비난은 여기 게시판에도 이전 간간히 있었습니다) 비난하는 글에 대해 Keith라는 사람이 다시 변명하며 길게 속 이야기를 한 것이었습니다.
"  Keith N Calgary from CALGARY, Canada writes: To 'Out West' -      yes I own my home, and yes the values have escalated.                     But I need somewhere to live, I really like my place, so I'm not selling. What goes up, will come down (the 1980's crash experience remembered). I've seen it all before. People's behavior being the sharpest image of another Alberta boom. Showing the worst during the Boom, and the best during the Bust. And the personal crises when the bust comes along. Yes, I do agree that a high tide floats all boats. If only that were true here. Take a walk through downtown Calgary some day - after business hours. See how many over-worked, over-stressed, angry people are around these days. Not everyone can stay happily drunk like Ralph Klein. I wish everyone well - I hope all survive this Boom. But with young people having $500,000 mortgages and going all 'snobby', I despair for what is coming for them. I remember people selling their places for $1.00 just to get out of their mortgage in the last Bust. I hope people don't over-extend because (as I've heard around a lot lately) 'this boom will last forever this time'. Yeah, I heard that in 1980 too. Then all I heard was 'Please God, let there be another oil Boom. I PROMISE not to p__s it all away this time'. Memories are short eh. Only this time we're meaner, less charitable and we're destroying the place we live in. At least he '80's were a Party. I keep my fingers crossed and wish everyone well.

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