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re: re: 동성애자의 예수구출하기
작성자 jim     게시물번호 -940 작성일 2004-12-23 21:01 조회수 2895

I see that there is an argument as to what the bible says about homosexuality.


The bible says a lot of different things.

And, to begin to ground ourselves, we ought to reflect on the plight of Galileo. In the middle ages, Galileo was persecuted because he dared to suggest that the earth revolves around the sun. From reading the story of Aaron in the book of Exodus, it is clear that the earth is the center of the universe. The church could accept no ambiguity in interpreting this. Galileo faced the wrath of the church for his disbelief in the bible. (But who today doubts that the earth revolves around the sun?)


I think there are three major things we need to reflect upon:


First of all, thoughtful Christians need to ask themselves what, in fact, the bible is. Many of our pastors tell us that it is the unquestionable “word of God”. They say this despite the fact that few realize that it is a collection of disparate books compiled by a group of church elders in the third century. The first question that an intelligent person should ask is, “What makes this group of mortal men so unquestionable?” This day, Protestants will disregard the advice of the Pope, yet these early biblical compilers were catholic popes and bishops.  Many churchmen throughout history have been corrupt. So why do we put so much faith in the wisdom of third century church fathers?


Secondly, if the bible in its entirety is the complete and unquestionable word of God, why does it contradict itself so many times? Why are there two creation stories in Genesis? Why does each of the four gospels offer differing account of the same events in the life of Jesus? Why is a letter from the pen of Paul, including salutations and greetings from Paul to other church leaders, considered to be “the word of God”?


Thirdly, let us consider all the things that are condemned in the bible. Yes, we can find condemnation of homosexuality in the bible. We can also find laws against eating pork. We can find admonitions against women speaking in church. We can find stories of “just” kings who slaughter entire enemy cities.  Are these moral laws all still applicable today?


A wise Christian can recognize that the bible is a collection of history, literature and spirituality all of which was written between 4000 and 2000 years ago. And, a wise Christian can realize that while man and his society are fleeting, God is eternal. To remain stuck on the literal words of the bible is to be condemned to medieval ignorance.


The bible has a lot to offer, even today. But, to study only the bible will only create militant and misplaced religious zeal.


Consider the Islamic schools of the Taliban where boys study the Koran exclusively. Is that the sort of ignorant fundamentalism that God wishes for his people?


God is greater than the bible or the Koran or any book written by man. God is beyond petty hatred and bigotry. We need not judge others. And, do not forget the parable of Jesus that tells us that we are unfit to remove the splinter from our neighbor’s eye while we have a piece of lumber in our own eye. And, never forget the imperative to “judge not, lest you be judged”.





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